The Original Lal Mahal was constructed with the thought of reviving the as of late wrecked city of Pune when Dadoji Kondev entered the city alongside Shivaji and his mom Jijabai. Shivaji grew up at Lal Mahal till he caught the post of Torna in the year 1645. Lal Mahal at Pune was demolished toward the end of seventeenth century and was bulldozed to ground because of the different assaults on the Pune city in those days. It is accepted that some dirt and stones of Lal Mahal were utilized amid the development of Shaniwar Wada.
The records of the Peshwas notice that the Lal Mahal castle, Pune was utilized for masterminding orchestrating the dining experiences for the Brahmins amid the string service of Sadoba, child of Chimajiappa. Lal Mahal is the spot where Shivaji Maharaj cut Shaistekhans fingers when he was attempting to escape from the window of the Lal Mahal.
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