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Gujrat Colony, Behind Prithviraj Sutar Office, Kothrud, Pune 411038
Location / Landmark
Kothrud Pune
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Review |
Jan 12 2023
GoodExcellent service
Oct 17 2021
Really niceMy new Maruti Suzuki Wagonr was hit from behind by a car since I had to apply sudden break to save a speeding and rash motor cyclist suddenly coming in front of my car. Mudguard of my car was damaged and it came out partially. I thought that I will have to spend fortune for the repair and loose some valuable time. S P Motors, Atharva Car Service promptly did the repair with minimum visible damage in 15-20 minutes and I took my car back continuing with my activities, To get this kind of prompt and dependable service is highly appreciated.
Mohan Gupte
Atharva Car Services in Kothrud, Pune : Here you will find details about - Atharva Car Services, Kothrud, Pune with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.
In Kothrud Pune, Atharva Car Services is listed under Automobiles. Atharva Car Services is a good service provider in Automobiles.
You can reach to Atharva Car Services at Gujrat Colony, Behind Prithviraj Sutar Office, Kothrud, Pune 411038, in Kothrud, Pune. The contact number of Atharva Car Services is 9689890683, 020 25390777, 9960690758. Atharva Car Services has been rated a 5.0 out of 5 from total 2 reviews.
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